Well, it’s been 2 weeks already I’m back to work again (and sadly left the two kids back at home, whuaaaa….. LOL) Since baby Q was born, I quit from work and becoming a full time mommy. At the time baby Q still very little and still exclusively breastfeeding, I never thinking to start working again. Correction, I can not think to start working again, while there’s a little baby that depend all of her life to me twenty six hours. Of course, sometimes there’s a little help from my mother or my hubby when the busy time come. At that time, I always wishing, please God, cloning me…
Now, back to the office story.
After baby Q graduated from ASIX, there’s a desire to work again. The income is not suitable with the needed for the family, especially after baby Q start her MP-ASI, we need more food in the kitchen hehehehe
Then sometime in the afternoon, when I was singing a lullaby for baby Q, one of the boss in my ex-company call me. Surprisingly, he interviewed me then invite me to come to the office for another negotiation on the next day with the personnel manager. I request a two weeks notice to hand over the internal work with my mother and if lucky, to find a maid. Though I am not lucky since the maid only stay for 2 days L . In fact, my mother enjoyed doing everything by her own, for her the maid is only bothering her.
So far, alhamdulillah, everything is ok back at home. My mother could handle the two kids. She has trouble only when the nap time coming. Daffa could not sleep first before baby Q sleep, while it is quite difficult. We owe so much to my mother. I know we can not pay her by anything, but I wish I can make her more happier.
Previously I handle a project at the office, but besides handle a project, I also responsible for the administration in the Engineering Departement which is the largest division at the office (I should re-negotiate for the salary nih.. J ).
My working hours is from 8 to 5, I already remind my boss that I refuse to work over time. It’s a big No, it will make my mother work more longer with the kids.
However, I’ve been waiting for this job, me and my family need this job, correction, we need more income (who doesn’t?). For Daffa, mommy back to work is mean mommy can buy him more toys (ehh??) For baby Q, mommy back to work is mean… well this is her first experience without mommy, first experience to stop breastfeeding during the day, first experience to take a day nap only with her brother, hehehehhhh first experience for everything. For my mom, me back to work is mean everything that she wish for, eventhough it will make her to take care of my kids without any complain, she is more happy to see me go to the office than stay at home. For my kind hubby, it will mean a good news for a backup if he is running out of money hehehehhee…. Oh well, everything is automatically is changes now. But basically me and everybody in the house are happy about this.
Now, I'll leave you with the pic of my recent activity....