Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lebaran 2012 : Just the Four of Us

Oma pulang kampung!!!

Right, cuman Oma doang, tadinya Def juga mau ikutan, tapi berhubung Oma perginya akan ikut rombongan "Pulang Basamo" keluarga besar kita, yang akan nyewa satu bis Lorena bolak balik.  Langsung kita kasian sama Def dan Oma kalo harus menempuh perjalanan 2 hari dari Jakarta ke Padang.  Walaupun Def bilang gak masalah, dia gak peduli hrs duduk di dlm bis selama itu, dia yakin akan betah, dia tetep kepengen naik bis.  Sampe mohon2 minta ikutan, pengen ngerasain naik bis.  Yah Def, ibu sih pengen ksh ijin kamu jalan2 ke Padang, tapi mana tega ibu kalo kamu hrs kesananya pake bis, gak ya Def, nanti kapan2 kita ke Padang, pake pesawat okeh.  Dibilang begitu pun gak mempan, sampai kita janjiin dia akan kita ajak jalan2 kemanapun yg dia mau selama libur Lebaran di Jakarta, asal gak merengek lagi minta ikut ke Padang.  Berhasil?? Gak tuh, dia tetep ngotot pengen ikut Oma #mendadakpusing

Eniwei, singkat cerita, akhirnya Def pun ikhlas Oma berangkat tanpa dirinya.  Walaupun qta tetap gak tega Oma hrs berangkat pake bis, jd kita beliin tiket pesawat buat Oma pulang ke Jakarta.  Yeayy!!

And, this is it, first time in my life, celebrating Idul Fitri without my mother.

Pernah sih, waktu jaman kuliah dulu, ibu yg ke Padang bareng sama Om Mel, Om Asep dan Om Ar.  Sementara Oma berlebaran bareng Angku aja berdua di Jakarta.  Tapi tetep beda ya sama yg sekarang, scr status udh gak single lagi.  But my mom is stil the best.  The BEST ever!  Oma berangkat tgl 16 Agustus, 2 hari sblm Lebaran, dan balik ke Jkt seminggu kemudian.  But as usual, she already prepared everything for our Lebaran.  Oma udh pesenin ketupat lengkap dgn sayur betawinya buat qta, udah siapin ayam dan ikan yg udh dibumbuin, tinggal di goreng aja.  Udh siapin juga gulai telur yg tinggal dimasak dikit lagi.  Sampe kue2 Lebaran pun udh dibeliin sama Oma. Oh, I love you so much, mom!

Otomatis ibu dan bapak ngambil cuti ngantor agak lama selama Oma pulang kampung.  Cuti 5 hari kerja, jdnya 11 hari dong termasuk tanggalan merah, mantap lah.  Qta msh sempet ngalamin 2 kali sahur berdua aja, tanpa Oma, tapi Bapak loh yg nyiapin sahurnya, heheheee...  Bukan krn ibu gak bs nyiapin, tapi gak tau knp si Qisha ini rewel dan susah bgt tidurnya.  Jd Qisha baru bs tidur nyenyak menjelang sahur, yg otomatis hrs ibu tungguin dulu sampe dia bener2 bobo, baru bisa sahur.

And, this is it, first time in my life, celebrating Idul Fitri without my mother, only with my little family.  Just the 4 of us.

Kita sholat Idul Fitri bareng2, pulang dari situ kita saling maaf2an yg sama sekali jauh dari kata serius, trus photo2, trus makan, trus silaturahmi dgn tetangga, bagi2 angpaw lebaran.  Trus sisanya tidur sampe sore.

Happy Idul Fitri all!  God Bless Us!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Perahu Kertas

Actually, Dee is not one of my favorite writer.  In fact, I never read her books before.  Dee adalah nama populernya sbg penulis, nama populernya sbg penyanyi adalah Dewi Lestari.  Bareng dgn teman2nya, dia bikin grup nyanyi, namanya RSD alias Rida Sita Dewi.  Tapi belakangan dia ngeluarin album solo juga.  Baik itu secara group ataupun secara solo, lagu2nya enak2 didengerin, mostly I like her songs.

Entah kenapa, pas lagi liat2 tweet2 di socmed, ketemulah dgn account-nya Dewi Lestari ini.  Diliat2 tnyata tweet2nya lucu2, then count me in as one of her follower.  Then she launched her new movie, Perahu Kertas, base on her book with the same title.  I'm not interesting to watch it at the first time, I think it will be the same romantic movie as other Indonesian movie.  Because of many people commented about this movie on her twitter, I begin curious about this.

So, I watch this movie, Perahu Kertas, with my son, Def, a week after the premiere.  This is not the first movie - which base on a novel - that I watch without rading its book first (let say the serries of Harry Potter and Twilight Saga).  Because usually when it comes to our Indonesian movies, I fall in love with the books first, then more interesting to watch its movie (let say for Laskar Pelangi, Ayat-Ayat Cinta, and The Firm).

And you know how my reaction after the movie over?? Hurry up to Gramedia downstair in MKG2, to buy the book and the soundtrack's CD.  Yes, the movie is so cool!!  Once again, COOL!! I fall in love with their character for the first sight, Kugy and Keenan.  I fall in love with Adipati, the actor who play as Keenan.  I fall in love with Dee, thanks to her for creating such a wonderful book and movie (she made the movie scenario by the way). The movie is so romantic, so funny, so sad.  The third Indonesian movie that can make me cry.  I can't forget the quot in some of their dialogues.  Such a beautiful words.

The movie is separate into two parts.  They alredy shot for one part and it took 4,5 hours film, so the producer and director agreed to separate it into two parts.  That's also another reason for me to right away read the book as soon as I arrived at home.  I want to know the ending hahahaaa... And after I read the book completely in 3 days (blame it the kids who always bother me everytime I started to read).  Oh I can't wait for the second part of movie! October, please come hurry! For me, the book is good to read, the movie even better, but the soundtrack is the best.

Update: I watch the movie, for the second time 4 days later and still love it!  And this Lebaran holiday was officially open and close by watching this Perahu Kertas the movie.  Yay!