Saturday, June 23, 2007

Naik Busway

Sebetulnya Daffa udh pernah naik busway, sama Oma & Mama Haji ke Pasar Baru kira2 setahun yg lalu, tapi mungkin dia gak inget, jadi dia tuh merengek2 minta naik busway. Sewaktu minggu lalu Ibu tuh kontrol ke RSB YPK, dan Daffa ikutan, eh.. ini kedua kalinya loh Daffa bertatap muka dgn dokter yg ngabantuin Ibu ngelahirin Daffa. Pertamakalinya ya waktu Daffa lahir. Nah… pas pulang dari RSB, si Def ngeliat deh tuh halte busway, dia minta diturunin di situ, mo lanjut pake busway… Eh dia gak sadar kalo qta udh kesiangan nih pulangnya gara2 mampir beli JCo dulu buat sepupu2nya si Def di Rancho, krn kebetulan ada abang Owi, uda Ruli, kakak Rere dan adek Deranch (yg ini sih gak mungkin minta JCo….:P).

Balik lagi ke cerita busway… Ibu janjiin minggu ini qta jalan2 naik busway. Kebetulan Ibu juga belum pernah tuh nyobain busway, jd biar agak pede, sebelumnya tanya2 dulu gmn caranya naik busway sama temen2 kantor, trus rutenya juga kemana aja. Ibu pilih yg ke Blok M, nyambung dari Dukuh Atas, naiknya dari Pasar Pramuka, nah menuju ke Pasar Pramuka itu qta naik metromini dulu. Sayangnya di atas busway gak boleh makan &minum, padahal Daffa cuman baru sarapan sama bubur ayam & susu doank.

Tnyata naik busway itu enak juga yah, adem & lega… (kebetulan aja Ibu & Daffa naiknya pas gak lagi jam kerja, jadinya kosong). Sepanjang jalan si Def asyik lihat2 ke jalan & absenin mobil yg lewat, dia tuh kelihatan enjoy banged. Ibu tuh kepengen mampir dulu di Pasaraya, jadi Ibu rayu deh si Def supaya mau mampir dgn janji ditraktir makan siang di foodcourt-nya (halah.. si Ibu bisa aja deh!). Qta makan di KFC, foodcourt Pasaraya. Tapi sayangnya qta gak sempat muter2 di Pasaraya soale udh siang banget & Daffa udah keliatan ngantuk, gak tega juga khan. So abis makan qta langsung balik lagi ke terminal, & tnyata perjuangan dari terminal Blok M lebih berat ya, antri & desak2an gituh. Tapi untungnya si Def gak apa2, dan qta dpt duduk di dalam bis. Sampai rumah udh jam stengah dua, dan Def udh kelihatan capek banged, langsung aja Ibu ajak bobo & emang langsung bobo tuh anak, gak pake main2 dulu. Pas bangun Ibu tanyain, mau lagi gak jalan2 naik busway? Eh, Def malah jawab mau, katanya naik busway enak tapi jalannya jauh… (maksudnya jalan menuju ke halte busway yg jauh, jembatan dari halte Dukuh Atas ke halte Sudirman kahn jauh banged tuh…)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Save Your Servic

Once in a lifetime, when I visited my SpoG for six monthly check-up, he offered me to join a seminar about Servic Cancer, which will be presented by him this Saturday. In fact I join it because I feel that I have to attend it since my doctor told me so. Not because I want to know about the cancer.

So I went there on Saturday morning, and the seminar started at 9 am. Actually, my doctor, Nadir Chan, SpoG (usually I called him Wan Adin) presented the seminar nicely. Because since the first time I listened to him, that was the first time I’m afraid of the service cancer. It is very horrible that the cancer is the second disease in the world that caused death, the first one is Breast Cancer. The cancer can be infected trough a sexual relationship or non-sexual relationship such as oral sex, medical tools, or from inheritance. To detect whether we have the cancer or not, first of all we have to do the pap smear test, this test is for all married woman. And nowadays since they already found out the vaccination for services called HPV vaccination, after we do the pap smear test, we can have the vaccination. The vaccination can give to woman from 9 years old, and it is never too late for those oldest women who never have the vaccination to do it.

Well, the seminar is very useful for me. Me myself intend to have the pap smear test oneday. But from what I’ve heard, the cost of HPV vaccination is still very expensive. This seminar was also sponsored by

Monday, June 11, 2007

Berenang-renang ke tepian

Itu sih memang pepatah kuno, tapi skrg yg ada tuh qta berenang-renang di tepian melulu, soale takut berenang ke tengah, gak bisa berenang sih. Ini cerita weekend kemaren qta ke kolam renang "Atlantis" di Ancol. Sejak minggu lalu Def sudah minta berenang ke Ancol, tapi secara minggu lalu tuh libur panjang 3 hari, awal bulan pula, sdh bisa dibayangkan deh Ancol ramenya kek apa. Jd qta janjiin minggu ini, dgn syarat Def sehat2 aja alias gak kambuh pileknya. Jadi kalau dia mulai macem2 tingkahnya, langsung aja qta kasih ancaman berenang ke Ancol-nya batal, trus langsung deh dgn merajuk tuh anak langsung bilang, “Daffa gak nakal kok, Daffa baek…” hikshikshikshiks… sapa yg tega marahin dia kalu dia lagi merajuk gituh.

Qta berangkatnya sesuai rencana, pagi2, si Def gak usah mandi dulu, gak usah sarapan dulu. Biarpun teteup aja dia protes kenapa Ibu & Bapak mandi, khan qta mau mandi di Ancol. Dubrak! Sepagi2nya qta berangkat, teteup aja msh kesiangan krn qta sampe sananya udah jam 9, udh lumayan panas. Tapi sebelum nyebur, si Def kudu makan dulu, biarpun sebetulnya dia udh gak tahan mo nyebur.

Ini mmg pertamakalinya qta ke kolam renang Atlantis, jd rada binun gitu deh mau kemana dulu. Tapi setelah menguasai arena, qta malahan males pulang, tapi dipaksain juga pulang soale mataharinya udh panas banget dan sdh banyak orang yg berdatangan. Si Def sih paling betah di sana, sampai qta paksa2 keluar. Malahan si Def paling suka diajak melewati seluncurnya, ditemenin sama Bapak sih, pdhal Ibu aja gak berani koq, kalah deh Ibu sama Def. Def sama Bapak meluncur berulang2 sebelum akhirnya dipaksa berhenti.

Yg paling asyik ya pas ada ombak buatannya. Def itu paling takut sama ombak. Dia gak mau berenang di pantai krn takut ombak. Mula2 dia memang takut, dia suruh Ibu spy cepetan keluar dari kolam. Tapi Ibu bilang gak apa koq, Def coba aja dulu di pinggirnya. Dan ternyata akhirnya malah dia yg ketagihan dan kecewa pas ombaknya habis.

Kira2 tiga jam-an lah qta berenang2 di situ sebelum akhirnya bener2 ganti baju. Di kamar mandi pembilasan pun kehebohannya berlanjut lagi, krn si Def asyik main2 di bawah shower, sebelum akhirnya dipaksa (lagi) utk udahan. Setelah bilas & ganti baju, qta duduk2 di pinggir kolam renang sambil si Def makan siang. Kelihatan banged sih kalo Def sebetulnya capek dan ngantuk berat. Apalagi pas qta sempat mampir utk take away di McD (Bapak & Ibu kelaparan neh..), Def kelihatan udh gak bisa menikmati makan kentang goreng krn ngantuk berat & akhirnya beneran bobo 15 menit sebelum sampai di rumah sambil mimpiin ombak buatan yg bunyinya “To-eng! To-eng! To-eng!”

Monday, June 4, 2007

“ADA Band” on Stage

It just out of my plan. It happened when I took Daffa to Mall Kelapa Gading on Saturday and on the same time “ADA Band”, one of popular band, will be performed. There were already many fans of this band, which I assumed that they are big fans of them. Not like me. From all of their songs, my favorites are only “Ough!” which sang by their first vocalist, Baim, and “Terbaik Untukmu” sang by their present vocalist, Donnie. This lovely song is dedicated to my father and also other fathers in the world.

Anyway, while I had to wait a half an hour, I told Daffa and his father to go to TimeZone. So I could enjoy since I know that Daffa is already in a comfortable place. Even though I’m not their fan, but I was a little carried away by the situation when the band finally performs on the stage. I was so excited. Not excited because I watched them performed, but because finally they showed up after a half an hour waiting.

It was nice to see a live band or a singer performing. You can feel the sound and the beat directly. Totally different from the song which we hear from the cd or television. And once again, I got carry away by the fans of ADA Band, to record their performing on my camdig and on my handphone. Actually I brought the camdig to take a shoot of Daffa when he played at TimeZone. But too bad that the battery was not new so the picture I took is a little bit dark.

ADA Band performed for ten songs. But I only could watch them for four songs since I received an sms from Bapak that they already finish at TimeZone, and they watched me from the third floor and I could feel Daffa called me to come. And I was right, when I came up, Daffa looked missed me a lot, he held me tight and even he almost cry. Oh, my son, it’s ok, I’m already here for you, I only want to see the concert for a while, ok?

Then we go to the food court for the dinner. As usual, Daffa had his favorite hotplate fried noodles plus hotplate fried rice. While I had broccoli and cheese over baked potatoes. I could not stop telling them about my latest experience of watching the performance of ADA band. I wasn’t realizing how close I was to the stage! But a little bit disappointed that the record of their performance were not that good on my camdig and on my hand phone. Anyway, it was still, it worth to remember.