Saturday, November 24, 2012

The SAGA Finale

This is a movie which I late to fall in love with.

As a mommy, you can count how many times I went to the cinema for a movie.  I believe the same also happen to some mommies in this part of the world, unless they have a 24 hours nanny to baby sit your kids without worry or thinking about anything at all. 

So, when everyone in this world talking about this movie, I think I was the only one who said "What??? Twilight what??  SAGA what??"  I don't understand a bit of it, I don't even care, at all.  Until one night, when my kids were already sleep safely in bed and all domestic things were done, I want to reward myself by watching the television.  Yes, my ME TIME is as simple as watching the teve...  Then I found this movie in a local channel, it's about a girl who just move in to a new school and trying to adapt with her new schoolmates.  Oh how I always love this kinda movie, new girl on the block meet the most handsome boy in the school. The next thing I know was I can not stop watching it, usually I will get boring if I watch a film not from the first scene.  But not with this movie.  I couldn't stop watching it until it finish.

When the movie end, I found out that the title is "TWILIGHT"

The big O come from my mouth, Oh now, I know why everybody were talking about this. 

The Twilight Saga was first release in the USA on 2008, and I just watch it in my bedroom on 2012.  Where I was been on the last 4 years?? Oh yes, I'm taking care of Daffa and only watch Spongebob and The Simpsons.  Remember when last holiday I visit my brother's house at Yogya?  When I looked at his bookshelves, I hold my breath when I found these super thick Twilight's books!  Oh my God, my sister in law have the Twilight's books, complete, since 2008!  I want to read it, but I was afraid it will ruin my view about the movies.  I decided to borrow them later after the series finish.

Anyway, I fall in love with this movie right away.  I love this movie.  I can not choose between Edward and Jacob #eehh.  The love story between Edward - Bella - Jacob is so romantic.

I end up finish the TWILIGHT series  (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn part 1) on DVDs.  But for the TIWILIGHT SAGA finale, it's not worth it to watch it thru the DVD.  The Twilight : Breaking Dawn part 2 is finally release on 16 November 2012 on all over the world.  Eventhough I don't watch it at day 1, at least I watch it a week after (pls note, attention, not 4 years after anymore baby).

I watch the movie by myself, and I have to wait for almost 5 hours until I get the seat.  All seats at all showa are full already!  So here I am, together with all the Cullen's fans, hold my breath and watch the movie until the end.

So this is another movie which based on novels, that I love it without reading its books first.  I love the ending.  I love the whole series. I love Edward's lips, Bella's cheek and Jacob's eyes.

Well, Goodbye Twilight.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Def - Random #1

This morning, as usual, get up at 5 a.m. 

Well, today is Friday, and yesterday was public holiday due to 1st Muharram Islamic New Year.  Tomorrow is Saturday.  So you know what it mean?  Yes, harpitnas it is, hari kejepit nasional.  The most lazy day to start the day in the morning.

Then, hardly open my eyes, hardly move on from my comfort, cold and cozy blanket.  Hardly preparing breakfast for Def, Bapak and me.  Hardly preparing snack for Def's school.  Then all the routines as usual, until Def go to school on 6.30 a.m.

Fifteen minutes later....

Bapak return from drop Def at school, so I never look at the window who is coming.  But then, I heard Def's voice...  "Assalamualaikum, I'm coming, not go to school"

Me   : What the h$%^&&$@#@??!!
Def   : Sekolahnya tutup, Bu.  Libur.
Me   : Tapi gak ada pengumumannya di buku penghubung tuh
Def   : Ya, gak tau

Me texting to Def's teacher, is it true that today the school is close?
Def's teacher texting replied "Yes, we already distributed the announcement on Wednesday"

Me  :  Deeeeeff, gak terima surat edaran waktu hari Rabu??
Def  :  Gak
Me  :  wait, hari Rabu kan Def outing class, nah abis outing class tuh pasti dibagiinnya.   Memangnya abis outing class, gak balik lagi ke kelas?
Def  : Gak, langsung naik mobil jemputan pulang
Me  :  Temen-temen Daffa juga gitu?
Def  :  Gak juga sih, ada juga yang balik lagi ke kelas.  Tapi kata temen Daffa yang satu lagi, langsung pulang aja, gak usah balik lagi ke kelas.  Ya udah, Daffa pulang
Me  : T____T

Well, Def happily changed his uniform, then play games on Bapak's mobile.  Bapak go back to our bedrom and continue to zzzZZZzzzzz.... Me?? Oh my, why this should be happen on this harpitnas, somebody please tell me why.... #bump my head on the wall#

Sunday, November 4, 2012

and he sleep by himself

Sejak kamar Def direnovasi kecil2an, belum seharipun Def tidur sendiri di kamarnya.  Selama ini kamarnya hanya dipakai untuk main komputer dan belajar.  Walaupun semua barang2 pribadinya sudah ditaro disitu semua.

Nah sejak ada Qisha, udah mulai berasa sempit dong kasur qta sekarang kalo dipake berempat.  So, mulai deh, ngerayu Def utk tidur di kamarnya sendiri.  Lah, anak jaman sekarang, udah disiapin kamar cakep2 begitu, tetep bilang masih ada yg kurang aja.  Def mau tidur di kamar tidurnya sendiri, asalkan udah dipasangin televisi AC dan lamput tidur.  Ehmm, okay, televisi udh pasti gak mungkin dikabulin, krn dikhawatirkan Def bakalan males belajar, ntar maunya nonton muluk.  Sedangkan AC, bisa dipertimbangkan untuk dibeliin.  Lampu tidur?? Sempat cari2 di ITC tapi lampu tidur yg Def mau gak ada lagi, jadi Def pun skip si lampu tidur.

Akhirnya akhir October, kita beli deh tuh AC, yang 1/2 PK aja, cukup buat kamar kecil.

Malam itu juga Def langsung pindah bobo di kamarnya sendiri dong. Ditemenin dulu sama ibu sampe nyenyak, baru diam2 ibu tinggal.  Memang sempat khawatir dia, ktnya kalo ntar tengah malam dia kebangun kalo mimpi buruk gimana?  Def bangunin ibu aja, nanti ibu temenin lagi bobonya.  Oke then, zzzzZZZzz... takjub jg tuh anak sekarang tidur di kamarnya sendiri.  Sempat bolak balik diliat ke kamarnya, eh kok ya masih tidur nyenyak. 

Two hours later....

Def masuk kamar, manggil2, katanya kebangun dan minta ditemenin bobo lagi.  Haiyyaaaa.. baiklah ganteng, ibu temenin lagi.  Sebentar aja kok, tuh anak udah nyenyak lagi.  Pas subuh ibu bangun, loh kok di luar udah terang, udah kedengeran suara tivi pula.  Sempet nuduh si bapak jangan2 dia lupa matiin lampu sama tivi di luar semaleman neh.  Pas diliat ternyataaa.... Loh, Def, udah bangun?

Oke, si ganteng kebangun jam 4 pagi, dan gak bisa tidur lagi.

Dan itu kejadian begitu terus berulang selama 4 hari berturut2.  Bangunin ibu tengah malam, dan kebangun subuh2 tanpa bisa bobo lagi.  Kasihan juga ya, takutnya ntar pas di sekolah anak ini ketiduran pula di kelas.  Akhirnya ibu bilang, ya sudahlah, Def balik lagi aja bobo sama qta bareng2, krn sepertinya Def belum bisa bobo sendiri.  Tapi Def tetap semangat mau bobo di kamarnya.

Dan di malam yang kelima, Def pun sukses bobo nyenyak semaleman, all through the night!  Bahkan pas paginya dibangunin mau sekolah, malahan susah banget.  Oh anakku, kamu kok cepet amat gedenya ya.

Kemarin2 mmg sempet ngebayangin, kapan ya, anak2 bobo di kamarnya sendiri2, dan ibu bisa bobo berdua aja bareng si bapak.  But, hey, be carefull on what you wish for.  By the time the oldest brother finally has his own room, then move to his own bed, I feel miss him very much.  Quietly, I cried when I watched him sleep by himself.  Dunno whether it is cry because I'm happy or because I'm not ready to separate with him.

Well, I wish you sleep like a baby, all through the night, and have a sweet dream, my boy!